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8 Movie Reviews

3 w/ Responses

I found it a little offensive...

Your cartoon makes it seem like black people in general find everything racist. I think some people are justified in their accusations because maybe they experienced some sort of rascism in their lifetime. Your cartoon oversimplifies and exagerates this. I understand some people do blame whites for all their problems, but out of all those people somebody is justified in their statements. Kanye just got a little emotinal
and forgot he's some rich guy that doesn't deal with rascism on a daily basis. I don't like how you displayed your opinion, but I do respect it.

Good gin and tonic....

It was really funny and music really good, make more!

Great concept but.....

This movie has the potential to be a great series but the lame dialogue and laughable, cliche'd ending brings it down. Come up with a story that doesn't try to do everything and dialogue that doesn't sound like it came from Frazier. Other than that keep up the good work.

I expected more...

This is pretty crappy for a front page entry . Almost as dissapointing as pimp phone. I don't mean to be harsh but it just sucks sorry.


Slickernaut responds:

It must be hard having to sign letters with a name like Fag.

Now this is the stuff you should keep making

dude you have real talent don't waste you time with that dick sucking gay crap from your other piconjo movies. That shit is really old and not funny or entertaining at all. Keep making more like this!

Pretty good..

I really enjoyed but i was hoping for voiceovers. Nonetheless.. still a good entry.

"It's Good to Own Land"

Age 38, Male

I' ma Hustla



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